Thursday, July 17, 2008

The Verdict Is In: House GOP Games Killed Roads Plan

Editorial boards across the Commonwealth have weighed in on the General Assembly's do-nothing special session, and the verdict is clear: House Republicans once again were more interested in playing political games than finding a solution to Virginia's transportation crisis.

The Washington Post
GOP to N.Va: What Traffic?

"Don't be fooled by the parliamentary razzle-dazzle and the gush of obfuscatory recrimination pouring forth from Richmond this week. The failure of Virginia's lawmakers to provide the first new new source of funding in a generation for the state's aging transportation network lies squarely with the Republican leadership in the House of Delegates.

"It was the Republicans who rejected any real attempt at raising revenue statewide to plug what is fast becoming a gaping hole in the funding available for highway upkeep. It was the Republicans who spurned regional packages to deal with the gridlock in the state's two most urbanized areas, Northern Virginia and Hampton Roads, through new taxes and fees. And then -- cynically, comically -- it was the Republicans who rushed out statements faulting Gov. Timothy M. Kaine (D) for convening a special session of the legislature without first achieving a consensus plan."


Richmond Times-Dispatch

"The failure to come up with a program sufficient to the needs ultimately will hurt Virginia Republicans more than it will hurt Virginia Democrats. Our GOP friends seem blissfully unaware."


The Virginian-Pilot
Game over on transportation

"House Republican leaders laughed, joked and patted themselves on the back for their grand success Wednesday. Majority Leader Morgan Griffith bounced up and down in his seat and bragged about his clever parliamentary maneuvers that drove into the ditch every effort to pass a viable transportation plan this year.

"He and his colleagues acted like boys in a locker room, snapping their towels, while Virginia's economy strangled on traffic congestion.

"Instead of committing themselves to solving the most serious crisis facing the commonwealth, House Republicans played games. They declared themselves victors because they scored the most political points against Gov. Tim Kaine and Democratic lawmakers.

"The behavior was not cute or funny, especially not to the commuters and businesses who have to live with a transportation system ruined by years of neglect in Richmond."

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